Hello! Welcome to the Harperstead!

I’m Merryrose, come follow along for inspiration, how-to, humor and getting your hands dirty. You can find an eclectic mix of homesteading (in the city no less), gardening, homemaking, cooking from scratch, herbs, natural health, motherhood, homeschooling, spoon carving ,sewing and whatever else we are learning on this crazy journey.

the Harpothecary

You can make simple remedies at home! From your own garden even!

In the garden

Getting your hands in the dirt is incredibly rewarding and good for you to boot!

In the kitchen

The heart of the home. Where the tasty stuff happens.


A love of learning starts at home. Or at least it should. There is SO MUCH to explore!

Freshly Made on the Blog

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Hi! I’m Merryrose!

I’ve longed for the country my whole life but Providence has me in the city. But that doesn’t keep us from homesteading to the best of our ability and living in a more simple and sustainable way. Join us on our adventures here at the Harperstead as we work to bloom where we are planted . And plant lots of sunflowers along the way. And cornflowers… I love cornflowers.. 🙂

Start Doing Something!

It doesn’t have to be perfect! Start learning and start where you are!

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Grow your own food

Cultivate your garden and reap the rewards of fresh, organic produce, sown and nurtured by your own hands.

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Newsletter sign up

For recipes, updates to the shop, newsletter stuff and so forth.

hang on, we're working on it...

Thank you ! 

Cook from Scratch

Rediscover the art of cooking with whole, natural ingredients, creating meals that are both nourishing and delicious.

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